Kozo Toyota / 豊田 耕三(とよたこうぞう)
O’Jizo、Toyota Ceili Band等を主宰。
東京藝術大学ケルト音楽研究部(g-celt)、Intercollegiate Celtic Festival(大学生主催で執り行う日本初のアイルランド/ケルト音楽祭)を創設。
Kozo Toyota is an Irish flute and whistle player, from Japan.
He is the first Japanese competitor of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, and he got 3rd prize of the whistle slow air in 2016, as the first Asian.
He is also the founder of Toyota Ceili Band.
It is the first ceili band that took part in the ceili band competition of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann from Asian countries.
His another Irish music band, O’Jizo, received a passionate welcome in US in 2016 and 2017.
And besides, he founded the Intercollegiate Celtic Festival in 2010, which has taken a role to increase the number of young people who play the Irish music or enjoy Irish dance in Japan.